










































Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Profit and Loss

Important Formulas and Shortcuts to solve Profit and Loss

 for Smart way to score 40 + in  Quant Section for  SSC Exam
Cost Price 
The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price, abbreviated as C.P.
Selling Price
The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, abbreviated as S.P.
  • Profit/gain = SP – CP
  • Profit % = Profit/(C P)×100
  • S P = (100+gain % )/100  ×C P
  • C P = 100/(100+gain %)×S P
If the overall Cost Price exceeds the selling price of the buyer then he is said to have incurredloss.
  • Loss = C P – S P
  • Loss % = LOSS/(C P)×100
  • S P = (100-loss %)/100×C P
  • C P = 100/(100-loss %)×S P
Profit and Loss Based on Cost Price
To find the percent gain or loss, divide the amount gained or lost by the cost. 
Example: A toy that cost 80 rupees is sold at a profit of 20 rupees. Find the percent or rate of profit.
Gain / cost = % profit.
20/80 = 25%. – Answer
To find the loss and the selling price when the cost and the percent loss are given, multiply the cost by the percent and subtract the product from the cost.
Example: A damaged chair that cost Rs.110 was sold at a loss of 10%. Find the loss and the selling price.
Cost x percent loss = loss.
110 x 1/10 = 11, loss.
Cost – loss = selling price.
110 – 11 = 99, selling price.
Profit and Loss Based on Selling Price
To find the profit and the cost when the selling price and the percent profit are given, multiply the selling price by the percent profit and subtract the result from the selling price.
Example: A toy is sold for Rs. 6.00 at a profit of 25% of the selling price. Separate this selling price into cost and profit.
Answer :
Selling price x % profit = profit.
Selling price = profit = cost.
6.00 x .25 = 1.50, profit.
6.00 – 1.50 = 4.50, cost.
To find the loss and the cost when the selling price and the percent loss are given, multiply the selling price by the percent loss and subtract the result from the selling price.
Example: At a sale, neckties selling at Rs. 50.00 are sold at a loss of 60% of selling price. What is the loss and the original cost?
Selling price x % loss = loss.
Selling price + loss = cost.
50.00 x .60 = 30.00, loss.
50.00 – 30.00 = 20.00, cost.
To find the selling price when the cost and the percent loss are given, add the percent loss to 100% and divide the cost by this sum.
Example: Socks that cost 7.00 per pair were sold at a loss of 25% of selling price. What was the selling price?
Answer: Cost / (100% + % loss) = selling price.
7.00 / 1.25 = 5.60, selling price.
To find the selling price when the profit and the percent profit are given, or to find the selling price when the loss and the percent loss are given, divide the profit or loss by the percent profit or loss.
Note: This rule should be compared with the one under Profit and Loss Based on Cost. The two rules are exactly similar except that in one case 100% represents cost while in the other case 100% represents selling price.
Example: A kind of tape is selling at a profit of 12% of selling price, equal to 18 per yard. What is the selling price of the tape?
Answer: Profit / % profit = selling price.
18 /.12 = 1.50 selling price.
To find the percent profit or loss, divide the amount gained or lost by the selling price.
Example: A candy bar sells for 1.30 at a profit of 65. What percent of profit on selling price does this represent?
Answer: Gain / selling price = % profit.
65 / 1.30 = .5 or 50% profit.
Mark-up Price
Generally the SP is less than the marked price (MP) the difference MP – SP is known asdiscount, D.
Discount = M P – S P
Discount %, D% = (Discount) / (M P) ×100
To reduce percent loss on cost to percent loss on selling price, divide percent loss on cost by 100% minus percent loss on cost.
 Example: 20% loss on cost is what percent loss on selling price?
% loss on cost / (100% – % loss on cost) = % loss on selling price.
0.20 / 80 = .0025 or 25% loss on selling price
To reduce percent loss on selling price to percent loss on cost, divide percent loss on selling price by 100% plus percent loss on selling price.
Example: 20% loss on selling price is what percent loss on cost?
% loss on selling price / (100% + % loss on selling price) = % loss on cost.
.20 / 1.20 = .16666 or .16.67% loss on cost.
To reduce percent mark-up (percent profit on cost) to percent profit on selling price, divide percent mark-up by 100% plus percent mark-up.
Example: A coat marked up 60% carries what percent of profit on selling price?
Answer : % profit on cost / ( 100% + % profit on cost ) = % profit on selling price.
.60 / 1.60 = .375 or 37.5% on selling price.
Type 1: 
The cost price of 40 articles is the same as the selling price of 25 articles. Find the gain per cent. (CGL-2012)
(a) 65%                                 (b) 60%
(c) 15%                                 (d) 75%
Answer: (b) Gain per cent
Grade Stack methods
In Above question We take x = 40 , y = 25
Then Gain % = (x –y) x 100/ y
Bananas are bought at the rate of 6 for Rs. 5 and sold at the rate of 5 for Rs. 6. Profit per cent is:  (CGL-2004)
(a) 36%                                 (b) 42%
(c) 44%                                 (d) 48%
Answer : (c) To avoid fraction, let the number of bananas bought
LCM of 5 and 6 = 30
CP of 30 bananas
= 5 x 5 = Rs. 25
SP of 30 Bananas = 6 x 6
= Rs. 36
Profit = Rs. (36-25) = Rs. 11
Profit %
= 11/25×100=44%
Grade Stack Method
[(6 x 6 -5x 5)/ (5 x 5)] x 100 = 44%
Type 3:
A man bought oranges at the rate of 8 for Rs 34 and sold them at the rate of 12 for Rs. 57. How many oranges should be sold to earn a net profit of Rs 45? (CGL-2011)
(a) 90                                     (b) 100
(c) 135                                   (d) 150
Answers: (a) Let the man buy 24 (LCM of 8 and 12) oranges.
C.P. of 24 oranges  = 34/8  ×24 = Rs. 102
S.P. of 24 oranges = 27/12×24=  Rs. 114
Gain = 114 – 102 = Rs. 12
Rs. 12 = 24 oranges
Rs. 45 =  24/12×45= 90 oranges
Type 4: 
A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on printed price. The ratio of the cost price to printed price of the book is ? (CGL-2013)
(a) 45 : 56                                 (b) 50 : 61
(c) 90 : 97                                 (d) 99 : 125
Answer:  (a) C.P. of the book = Rs. x
Printed price = Rs. y
(y×90)/100=x × 112/100
Type 5: 
A dealer sold two types of goods for Rs 10,000 each. On one of them, he lost 20% and on the other he gained 20%. His gain or loss per cent in the entire transaction was (CGL-2012)
(a) 2% loss                           (b) 2% gain
(c) 4% gain                          (d) 4% loss
Answers:  (d) Here, S.P. is same, Hence there is always a loss. Loss per cent =(20×20)/100=4%
 Gradestack Trick
Loss % = (n^2)/100= (20)^2/100= 4%
Where n= 20
Type 6: 
On selling an article for Rs170, a shopkeeper loses 15%. In order to gain 20%, he must sell that article at rupees: (CGL-2013)
(a) 215.50                            (b) 212.50
(c) 240                                 (d) 210
Answer ; (c) C.P. of article = (200×120)/100 = Rs. 240
Type 7:
An article is sold at a loss of 10%. Had it been sold for Rs. 9 more, there would have been a gain of 12 1/2% on it. The cost price of the article is (CGL – 2002)
(a) Rs. 40                                              (b) Rs. 45
(c) Rs. 50                                              (d) Rs. 35
Answers: (a) Let the cost price of the article = Rs. x
S.P. at 10% loss
= x×90/100= Rs. 9x
  1. P. at 12 1/2 % gain
x  × (100+12 1/2)/100 = Rs. 225x/200
According to the question
9x + 9 = 225x/200
180x + 1800 = 225x
x = Rs. 40
Grade Stack Method                             
IF sign is not same then We have to Add
If sign is same then We have to Subtract
– 10 %                   + 12 ½
22 ½%  = 9%
100 % = ?
Formula = (n x 100 )/ (difference of loss % or Gain)
Note : where n= 9
Type 8: 
A sells a suitcase to B at 10% profit. B sells it to C at 30% profit. If C pays Rs 2860 for it, then the price at which a bought it is (CGL-2013)
(a) 1000                                                (b) 1600
(c) 2000                                                (d)  2500
Answer:  (c) If the C.P. of the suitcase for A be Rs. x, then
x ×110/100×130/100=2860
x=(2860×100×100)/(110×130) = Rs. 2000
Type 9: 
Arun marks up the computer he is selling by 20% profit and sells them at a discount of 15%. Arun’s net gain percent is 
(a) 4                                       (b) 2
(c) 3.5                                    (d) 2.5
Answer (b)
Gradestack method:
r1 = 20 , r2 = 15
Formula = r1 – r2 – (r1 x r2)/100
= 20 -18 = 2%
A tradesman sold an article at a loss of 20%. If the selling price had been increased by Rs. 100, there would have been a gain of 5%. The cost price of the article was: (CGL-2004)
(a) Rs. 200                                           (b) Rs. 25
(c) Rs. 400                                           (d) Rs. 250
Answer  (c) Let the C.P. of article be Rs. x.
105% of x – 80% of x = Rx. 100
25% of x = Rx. 100
x = Rs. (100×100)/25
= Rs. 400

Quants Quiz on Profit and Loss

Question 1
If any goods are purchased in Rs 800 .one fourth of the goods are sold at 20% loss .at what percentage profit ,remaining goods should be sold ,so that he gain 20% on whole business,
  110/3 %
  110 /4 %
It's '100/3%'
Ans. B
¼(100-20) + ¾(100+x) = (100 +20)
3/4x = 25
X= (100/3) %
Question 2
In expectation of more profit an institute X increase his fees by 20% but it wondered as number of his students decreased by 40 % .what was the percentage increment or decrement in his income.
  28% decrement
  42% increment
It's '28% decrement'
Ans. A
% increment or decrement = x+y+ x*y/100
= 20+(-40)+20*(-40)/100
=-28 %
=28 % decrement
Question 3
A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is:
  No profit, no loss
It's '5%'
Ans. B
C.P. of 56 kg rice = Rs. (26 x 20 + 30 x 36) = Rs. (520 + 1080) = Rs. 1600.
S.P. of 56 kg rice = Rs. (56 x 30) = Rs. 1680.
Gain = ( 80/100) x 100]%= 5%
Question 4
When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that plot be sold in order to gain 15%?
  Rs. 21,000
  Rs. 22,500
  Rs. 25,300
  Rs. 25,800
It's 'Rs. 25,300'
Ans. C
85 : 18700 = 115 : x
x = ( 18700 x 115)/(85)]= 25300
Hence , S.P = Rs 25,300
Question 5
The CP of 30 articles is equal to selling price of 20 articles, then gain % is
It's '50%'
Ans. D
=[(30-20)/(20) ]*100
Question 6
A man sells two chairs at Rs 5000 each .he makes a profit of 25% in the sales of the first chair and a loss of 25% in the sales of the second chair .what is the net gain or loss percent.
  25/4% loss
  23/4% gain
  22/4% loss
It's '25/4% loss'
Ans. A
Loss percent = X^2 /100
=25/4% loss
Question 7
On selling 17 pens at Rs 720 there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 pens .the CP of a pen is
It's '60'
Ans. A
By Trick:
Let CP of each pen is = x
Then clearly the CP of (17-5) pens =720
12 x =720
X = 60

Profit and loss quiz

Question 1
The cost of 8 ink pens and 12 ball pens is Rs.82. What would be the cost of 36 ink pens and 54 ball pens?
It's 'Rs.369'
Ans. C
Rs. 369
From the given statement we have,
The cost of 4 ink pens + 6 ball pens = Rs. 41.
Multiplying each terms by 9, we get
The cost of 36 ink pens + 54 ball pens = Rs. 369.
Question 2
The cost price of 16 articles is the same as the selling price of 12 articles. Find the loss/profit percentages.
It's '100/3%'
Ans. C
The gain is 4 out of 12 articles.
Therefore, gain percentage = 4x100 /12 = 100/3%
Grade Stack short trick : ( x –y)x 100/ y
Where x = 16, y = 12
Question 3
An article is sold at 10% loss. If the selling price is Rs. 40 more, there will be a gain of 15%. The cost price of the article is:
  Rs. 140
  . Rs. 120
  Rs. 175
  Rs. 160
It's 'Rs. 160'
Ans. D
Rs. 160
Let the cost price be Rs. x.
Selling Price at 10% loss = 90x/100
Selling price at 15% gain = 115x/100
Thus, according to the problem,
115x/100 - 90x/100 = 40
x = Rs. 160
Grade Stack Short Cut Methods:
n x 100/ different between loss or profit
Where n = 40, different = 25
x = 40 x 100/25 = 160
Question 4
The marked price of a chair is Rs. 800. A retailer bought it after two successive discounts of 10% and 15%. He spent Rs. 13 on transportation and sold it for Rs. 875. His profit was:
It's '40%'
Ans. A
Marked price = Rs. 800.
Price after discount of 10% and 15% = 800 x (100 - 10)/100 x (100 - 15)/100 = Rs. 612.
Total Cost price = 612 + 13 = Rs. 625
Profit percent = (875 - 625)/625 x 100 = 40 %
Question 5
If a selling price of Rs. 24 results in 20% discount on the list price of an article, the selling price that would result in 30% discount on the list price is:
  Rs. 17
  Rs. 23
  Rs. 18
  Rs. 21
It's 'Rs. 21'
Ans. D
Rs. 21
Selling price = Rs. 24
Thus, list price = 100/(100 - 20) x 24 = Rs. 30
For 30% discount,
Selling price = (100 - 30)/100 = Rs. 21
Question 6
How much percent more than the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his goods so that after allowing a discount of 25% on the marked price, he gains 20%?
It's '60%'
Ans. A
Let cost price of goods be Rs 100.
Gain = 20%
Therefore, Selling price = Rs 120
Discount = 25%
Marked Price = (100/100 - 25)x120
= Rs. 160
i .e. 60% more
Question 7
A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. What is his profit percentage?
It's '5%'
Ans. B
CP of 1st variety rice = 20
CP of 2nd variety rice = 36
CP of the 56 kg rice mixture = (26×20 + 30×36) = 520 + 1080 = 1600
SP of the 1 kg rice mixture = 30
SP of the 56 kg rice mixture = 30×56 = 1680
Gain = SP - CP = 1680 - 1600 = 80
Gain% = Gain/CP×100 = 80/1600×100 = 100/20 = 5%
Question 8
Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit?
It's '5.6'
Ans. C
Cost Price of 1 toy = Rs. 375/12 = Rs. 31.25
Selling Price of 1 toy = Rs. 33
So, Gain = Rs. (33 - 31.25) = Rs. 1.75
Profit % = (1.75 x 100)/31.25 % = 28/5 % = 5.6%
Question 9
A merchant sells his two cars – one at 15% loss and another at 12% profit. If the cost prices of the two cars are in the ratio of 1:2, what is his percent profit or loss?
  3% profit
  2% loss
  2% profit
It's '3% profit'
Ans. A
3% profit
Given that CPs are in the ratio 1:2
Therefore let the CPs be Rs. 100 & Rs. 200 respectively,
1st SP = 100 - 15% of 100 = Rs. 86.
2nd SP = 200 + 12% of 200 = Rs. 224.
Total CP = Rs. 300. Total SP = 85 + 224 = Rs. 309.
Profit = Rs. 309 - 300 = Rs. 9.
Profit percent = 9x100/300 = 3% profit.
Question 10
The profit earned after selling an article for Rs.675 is twice the loss incurred after selling the article for Rs.435. What is the cost price of the article?
It's 'Rs.515'
Ans. D
Rs. 515
Let ‘x’ be the CP of the article.
i.e. Rs. 675 - x = 2(x - 435)
675 - x = 2x - 870
675 + 870 = 3x, therefore, x = 1545/3 = Rs. 515.

Important Questions With Solution!!!!!

Question 1
a shopkeeper bought 230 chocolates at Rs. 8 per dozen. If he sold all of them at Rs. 1 each, what was his profit percent?
  66.5 %
  50 %
  33.5 %
  24 %
It's '50 %'
Ans. B
Sol: cp of 12 chocolate = Rs..8
cp of 1 chocolate = 8/12 = Rs.. 0.666
now sp = Rs.. 1, profit = Rs.. 0.333
profit % = (0.333/0.666) x 100 = 50 %
Question 2
A reduction of 25 % in the price of sugar enables a housewife to buy 5 kg more for Rs. 300. Find the reduced price per kg.
  Rs. 20
  Rs. 15
  Rs. 25
  none of these
It's 'Rs. 15'
Ans. B
Sol: let original rate = Rs.. X per kg
new rate = 75 % of x = Rs.. (75 x /100) = Rs.. 3x/4
original quantity for Rs.. 300 = 300/x
new quantity = 300 x (4/3x) = 400/x
400/x – 300/x = 5  100/x = 5
 x = 20
So reduced price = 20 x (3 /4) = Rs..15
Question 3
A man buys one book and one pen for Rs. 600. He sells the book at a loss of 20 % and the pen at a gain of 20 %. He still gain Rs. 10 on the whole. The cost price of the pen is …?
  Rs. 250
  Rs. 300
  Rs. 325
  Rs. 200
It's 'Rs. 325'
Ans. C
Sol: let the cost of book is = Rs.. X and the cost of pen is = Rs.. Y
given, x + y = 600 …………. (1)
sp of book = .8 x , and sp of pen = 1.2 y
now , .8 x + 1.2 y = 610……….(2)
solving eqn (1) and eqn (2)
we get the cost price of pen is Rs.. 325
Question 4
The marked price of a shopkeeper for an article is 40 % is higher than the cost price. If he sells the article allowing 15 % discount to customer, then the gain percentage will be
  19 %
  49 %
  25 %
  31 %
It's '19 %'
Ans. A
Sol: { 40 -15 – (40 x 15 / 100) }
= 19 %
Question 5
For a certain article; if discount is 20 % the profit is 20 %. If the discount is 10 % then the profit is
  35 %
  50 %
  10 %
  33 %
It's '35 %'
Ans. A
Sol: if the marked price be Rs.. Y and cost price be Rs.. 100. Then
y x (80/100) = 120
Y = Rs.. 150
S.p after a discount of 10 %, 150 x (90/100) = Rs.. 135
So, gain percent = (135-100)/100 = 35 %
Question 6
A shopkeeper makes a profit of 25 % even after giving a discount of 10 % on the marked price of an article. If the marked price is Rs. 1000 then the cost price of the article is
  Rs. 880
  Rs. 1388
  Rs. 720
  Rs. 1125
It's 'Rs. 720'
Ans. C
Sol: if the cost price of article be Rs.. Y, then
1000 x (90/100) = y (125/100), y = Rs.. 720
Question 7
A dishonest shopkeeper, using a faulty balance makes a profit of 7 % while buying as well as while selling his goods. His actual gain percent in the whole process amounts to
  14 %
  15 %
  14.49 %
It's '14.49 %'
Ans. C
Sol: actual gain percent
= {7 + 7 + (7 x 7 /100)}
= 14.49 %
Question 8
The price of book passing through three hands rises on the whole by 50 %. If the first and second seller earns 15 % and 20% respectively, find the profit earned by the third seller (approximately)
  8 %
  8.65 %
  9 %
  8.25 %
It's '8.65 %'
Ans. B
Sol: let the profit of third seller is y%
total profit of fiRs.t and second seller is {15 + 20 + (15 x 20/100)} = 38 %
Now total profit of three is 50%
So, {38 + y + (38 x y/100)} = 50,
y = 8.69 %
Question 9
A man sold two houses for Rs. 48000 each. In the sale of the first house, he incurred 25 % profit and in the sale of the second he incurred 25% loss. What is the gain percent or loss percent in total?
  6.25 % gain
  6.25 % loss
  3.75 % gain
  3.75 % loss
It's '6.25 % loss'
Ans. B
Sol: here y = 25 %
total loss percentage = (25 x25)/100 = 6.25 %
Question 10
Two successive discounts of 11% and 22% is equivalent to a single discount of …?
  30.58 %
  35.42 %
  33 %
  11 %
It's '30.58 %'
Ans. A
Sol: {11 + 22 – (11 x 22 /100)}
= 30.58 %
More Example With!
Question 1
A calculated his profit on selling price whereas B calculated on cost price. If their selling prices are same and A gets 25% profit and B gets 15% profit. Then find their selling price if difference between their profit is 275.

Ans. B
Difference of profit = (23×4–23×3) – (23×4–20×4) = – 3 × 23 + 20 × 4
= 11 × 25 = 275
Selling price = 23×4 × 25 = 2300
Question 2
In any given month a man earns a % commission on Ist sale of 1000 and on further sale he earn b%. In two following months his sales are 3000 and4000 and he earn commission 900 and 1300 respectively then a = ?
Ans. A 10%
3000 - 2000 = 1000 - - - 400 (1300 - 900)
400 is 40% of 1000
b = 40%
In Ist month
(40/100)×200 = 800
(a/100)×100 = 100
a = (100/100)×100 = 10%
Question 3
A man purchased a book and a pen for 390. He sells the book at 10% profit and pen at 15% profit. If he earns a profit of 51.5. Then find difference between cost price.
Ans. D
Difference in price = [(25 - 14)/(25+14)] ×390
= (11/39)×390 = 110
Question 4
A furniture store owner has determined that he can sell 100 chairs a month at a selling price of 200 each. For each rise of 4 in selling price he will sell 2 chairs less a month. Then find how many chairs he sold for a month if his monthly sale is 16800.

Ans. B
Sol. Cost No's Total Cost
(200 + 4k)×(100 – 2k) = 16800
(100)2– (2k)2 = 8400
4k2 = 1600
K = 20
No. of Chairs = 100 – 2 × 20 = 60
Question 5
If discount on 10 oranges is equal to profit on 5 oranges and the cost price of 12 oranges is equal to selling price of 9 oranges. Find discount percentage.
Ans. A
C.P. of 12 articles = S.P. of 9 articles
Discount = (1.5/13.5) ×100 = 11.11%
Question 6
A man sells two articles one at loss of 10% and other at profit of 25%. If during whole transaction he earned profit of 70. Find cost price of both these articles. If cost price of 1st article is equal to selling price 2nd article.
  700, 560
  600, 560
  700, 600
  500, 600
Ans. A
(Make C.P. of I article = S.P. of II article)
Total profit = (9 – 10) + (10 – 8) = 1 (which is = 70)
C.P. of I article = 10 × 70 = 700
C.P. of II article = 8 × 70 = 560
Question 7
By how much percent above the cost price a shopkeeper should mark on his goods so as by allowing 5% discount, he may gain 33% profit.
It's '40%'
Ans. B
Question 8
A shopkeeper gives 1 item free with 15 items and a discount of 4% is also offered. Shopkeeper still gains 35%. Find how much percent did the shopkeeper marked on his goods above cost price.
It's '50%'
Ans. A
Sol.Let CP = 100
16 articles cost price = 1600
profit = (35/100) × 1600 = 560
selling price = 2160
15 article's selling price = 2160
1 article's selling price = 2160/15 = 144
cost price = 100
MP = (144/96)×100 = 150
50% above cost price
II Method
MP ×(15/16) ×(96/100) = CP × 135/100
MP/CP = 3/2
MP is more than CP = [(3 - 2)/2] ×100 = 50%
Question 9
A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and still makes profit of 20%. He further allows four article free to 1 dozen find ratio of cost price to mark price.
It's '1:2'
Ans. C
MP ×(80/100) ×(12/16) = CP × (120/100)
CP/MP = 1/2
Question 10
A man published 3500 books for 3,50,000 as cost price. He gave 500 books free to main shopkeeper. He also allows a discount of 25% on marked price and 1 book free for every order of 29 books. If market price of each book 150. Find his profit%
It's '6.78%'
Ans. C
Sol.Cost Price = 350000
Books = 3000 (Remaining)
If there is 30 books then 29 are sold
If there is 3000 books then 2900 are sold
MP = 150
SP = 150 × (3/4)
Total SP = 150 ×(3/4) × 2900
= 326250
Loss = 350000 – 326250 = 23750
Loss% = (23750 /350000)×100 = 6.78%

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