










































Monday, January 18, 2016

English exam

1. Imbibe— (a) to learn, (b) to rise, (c) to drink, (d) to acquire Ans: (c) to drink.
 2. One who unduly forwards in rending services for others is not generally liked in the society. Such a person is ____ (a) Benevolent, (b) Official, (c) Officious, (d) Bureaucratic. Ans: (c) Officious. 
3. Stagflation—
 (a) Controlled prices, (b)Economic slow down, (c) A disintegrated government, (d) Cultural dullness.
 Ans: (b) Economic slow down. 

4. Scuttle— (a) Abandon, (b) Beweak, (c) Pile up, (d) Gossip. Ans: (a) Abandon. 
5. Stanch— (a) To reinforce, (b) Rotten, (c) Smooth out, (d) Put an end to. Ans: (d) Put an end to. 
6. Belated— (a) Complaining, (b) Off-hand, (c) Weak, (d) Tardy Ans: (d) Tardy. 
7. Euphemism— (a) Vague idea, (b) Inoffensive expression, (c) Verbal play, (d) Wise saying. Ans: (b) Inoffensive expression. 
8. Choose the correct sentence: (a) He raced quickly down the street. (b) He raced down the street. (c) He raced down quickly to the street. (d) He raced down fast to the street. Ans: (b) He raced down the street. 
9. Which of the following is a correct sentence: (a) He earns hundred taka a day. (b) He earns a hundred taka a day. (c) He earns one hundred taka a day. 
Ans: (c) He earns one hundred taka a day. 
10. Choose the correct sentence: (a) Please do exactly as your doctor says. (b) Please do as exactly as your doctor says. (c) Please do as your doctor says.
 Ans: (a) Please do exactly as your doctor says. 
11. Choose the correct sentence: (a) Which colour do you prefer, the red or the blue? (b) What colour do you prefer, the red or the blue? (c) Which colour do you prefer, the red or blue? (d) What colour do you prefer, the red or blue? Ans: (a) Which colour do you prefer, the red or the blue? 
12. Correct usage: · I gave you my word. · He is a man of his word. · I trusted her not to go back on her word. · I am true to my word. · I am a man of word. 
13. Choose the correct sentence: 
(a) There are a book and a pen on the table. (b) There is a book and a pen on the table. Ans: (a) There are a book and a pen on the table.
 14. Choose the correct sentence: (a) There is no place for doubt in it. (b) There is no suspension in it. (c) There is no room for doubt in it. (d) There is no misunderstanding in it. 
Ans: (c) There is no room for doubt in it. 
15. Find out the correct sentence: (a) It is neutrality and honesty is above controversy. (b) There is no question about his impartiality and honesty. 
Ans: (b) There is no question about his impartiality and honesty. 
16. Which sentence is correct: (a) A professional lawyer should have good knowledge of law. (b) He can recognise a shadow in darkness. (c) False evidence will wake the case weak. (d) The alley was so wide that many cars could ply at the same time. 
Ans: (a) A professional lawyer should good knowledge of law.
 17. You are not amenable ___ reason. Ans: to. 
18. The disgusted man grumbled ____ his fate.
 Ans: at/about/over.
 19. Relent— 
(a) Link, (b) Borrow, (c) Succumb, (d) Yield. 
Ans: (d) Yield. [Note; Relent— To finally agree to sth after refusing; to become less determined, strong etc.] 
20. In share market, ‘Bearish’ indicates showing or expecting a fall in the prices of shares.
 21. The word ‘putsch’ means “sudden attempt to remove a government by force; a political overthrow”. 
22. The word ‘petulant’ means “bad tempered and unreasonable, especially because you can’t do or have what you want; unreasonably irritable. 
23. Do you ___ earthquakes in your country? (a)have, (b) feel, (c) see, (d) know 
Ans: (b) feel. 
24. You’d better go and see the boss and say what you’ve done. If you put off ___ it to her, she’ll only be more annoyed. 
(a) explain, (b) to explain, (c) explaining, (d) to have explaining. 
Ans: (c) explaining. 
25. The queen is said ___ Australia next year. (a) to have visited, (b) to visit, (c) to be visiting, (d) that she will visit. 
Ans: (c) to be visiting.
 26. What is the number of auxiliary verbs in English? Ans: 12 
27.The use of “Suggest”: I suggest (that) we go out to eat. I suggested going into my car. 
28. Choose the passive form of ‘He decided to sell the house’. 
(a) He decided that the house should be sold. (b) The house was decided to be sold by him. 
Ans: (a) He decided that the house should be sold. 
29. Subjunctive mood expresses condition, doubt, uncertainly etc. (Example: If we started now, we would reach in time.)
 30. Factitive Verb: A verb followed by a direct object and a complement. Factitive verbs describe a situation where there is a result to an action. In ‘I painted it red’ and ‘They made her caption’. Here ‘painted’ and ‘made’ are factitive. Causative Verb:It expresses a cause. For example ‘blacken’ which means ‘to equal to become black’. Copulative Verb:It is also called linking verb. Example: appear, become, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, seem, remain, smell, sound, taste, turn and ‘to be’ verb.
 31. Sedan: Automobile—
 (a)hangar: airplane, (b) rocker: chair, (c) rung: ladder, (d) marble: statue. 
Ans: (b) rocker: chair. 
32. She was comprised of nine members all of whom were present at the meeting. Find out the incorrect portion of this sentence. 
(a) Whom, (b) is comprised of, (c) at the meeting
 Ans: (c) at the meeting. 
33. Which one is correct? (a) We can travel to Dhaka in bus, in train or in plane. (b) We can travel to Dhaka in bus, train or plane. (c) We can travel to Dhaka by bus, by train or by plane. (d) We can travel to Dhaka by bus, train or plane. 
Ans: (d) We can travel to Dhaka by bus, train or plane. 
34. He has a great apathy ___ his studies.
 (a) for, (b) in, (c) to, (d) at Ans: (c) to. 
35. They crossed the English channel ___ a small boat. (a) by, (b) in, (c) with, (d) on. 
Ans: (a) by / (b) in. 36. Which is correct?
 (a) He copied the answer word by word (b) He copied the answer word for word (c) He copied the answer word after word
 Ans: (c) He copied the answer word after word 37. The word ‘expunge’ (+ from) means erase. The word ‘purge’ means to remove people from organization. 
38. Which is correct? 
(a) His name has been cut off the register. (b) His name has been struck off the register. 
Ans: (b) His name has been struck off the register. 
39. I am fatigued with travelling. He has an antipathy to/towards smoking. 
40. Simulate : Pretend — 
(a) self-abnegate : deny oneself (b) castigate : precise (c) vacillate : decide (d) alleviate : make worse 
Ans: (a) self-abnegate : deny oneself
 41. Ephemeral : Eternal — 
(a) Dexterous : Skillful
 (b) Sinister : Threatening (c) Vicarious : Actual (d) Clandestine : Hidden
 Ans: (c) Vicarious : Actual 
42. Credulous : Skeptical — 
(a) placate : irritate (b) cogent : brilliant (c) proscale :prohibit 
Ans: (a) placate : irritate. 
43. Into the ___ of death rode the six hundred. 
(a) road, (b) tunnel, (c) valley, (d) city. 
Ans: (c) valley [Note: The charge of the light brigade — Lord Alfred Tennyson] 
44. I have a ___ that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. (- Dr. Martin Luther King) 
Ans: dream. 
45. Hurry up! We have to go ___ five minutes. 
(a) in, (b) by, (c) within, (d) at, (e) for 
Ans: (c) within 
46. Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about— (a) 1000 years ago, (b) 1500 years ago, (c) 2000 years ago, (d) 3000 years ago
 Ans: (c) 2000 years ago. [Note: 49 BC.] 
47. The Parthenon is said ___ erected in the Age of Pericles. 
(a) to have become, (b) to have been 
Ans: (b) to have been 
48. Which word is not related to literature? 
(a) Demagogue, (b) Epilogue, (c) Monologue, (d) Prologue. 
Ans: (a) Demagogue. 
49. Haggard means — (a) hairy, (b) irregular, (c) stale, (d) worn out.
 Ans: (d) worn out. [Note: looking very tired because of illness, worry or lack of sleep.]
 50. It may be useful to think of character in fiction as a function of two ___ impulses: the impulse to individualise and the impulse to ___.
 (a) analogous…..humanize (b) disparate…..aggrandize (c) divergent…..typify (d) comparable…..delineate 
Ans: (c) divergent…..typify.  

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